Wishing everyone a very
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season! I wish our annual Parade of Lights here in Ventura Harbor, CA would have been less wet, but BRAVO to all the boats that participated in a very rainey parade... You are our heros!!! To the few, but cheery friends who braved the wet to come aboard South Trail, we salute you! You made our holiday!

We had fun decking the "hall" of South Trail for the festivities and the season especially after last year when we (re: Eva) had to forego the traditional fanfare in lue of our impending voyage to Mexico. Viva la Decoration!!!

The guy in his foulies says it all... But WOW! This is one of the numerous amazing efforts for this year's theme "Holidays in Whoville"!!! Yeah Generators!!!

Here's Thanksgiving with Mom Sue and Craig, Aunt Roxie and Eva not pictured, but waiting impatiently to delve into a non-traditional surf-n-turf feast! To heck with the hives... Give me Shrimp!!!

Dover enjoying what we tell him is "the big boat" at Grandma's on his own bed after feasting on meat scraps... Lucky, full, happy dog!

Our Halloween Jack-O-Lantern display for the night... Jack at the bow is blowing his wad with M&M's strewn into his internal angst and a sign reading, "Eat Candy Responsibly". Nuff said...

Yup... His eye is popped-out... Had a blast carving duel heads onto the pumpkins... My artistic effort for the year! But wait there's more...

True Blood inspired...

This one is reacting to the barf... We've all been there... Oh my!

Oh yeah, we also worked... Alot. Thank you to Ed and Annette, Dr. Neal, Linda, Bruce, John, Mike and Julie, Mike and Patty, Ventura Harbor Boat Yard... and all you fabulous peeps!!! Also, a shout out to Beth and Skip and all their four paws who I am responsible for on the Oxnard Shores.

There he is... The Ventura Boat Doctor at work!!!.... Hey, when do we get to go cruising again???!!!

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!